A letter from Warren

Our Deacon, Warren Beal, has been an associate chaplain at the hospital for the past 30 years and in 2006 made over 350 visits to people at the hospital.  He ministers to patients, family and staff of all denominations and faith.

A Word from Warren

As a deacon at Christ Church, I have the honour of participating in a one of the most critical ministries in our community, by being one of many dedicated chaplains at Lakeridge Health Oshawa. I am not however, the only person in our parish that devotes their time to this important ministry. We have a team consisting of several volunteers that work on our pastoral team as associate chaplains, on-call chaplains or as lay pastoral visitors.

Associate chaplains are generally assigned to visit various floors in the hospital. They play a vital role in the spiritual health and welfare of the patients and the staff as well. I have experienced on numerous occasions when just visiting a patient makes a huge difference in their comfort level and emotions. It is amazing in a time when church attendance is on the decline that over 90% of the patients I visit are more than anxious for me to take the time and say a prayer for them. The Associate chaplains and lay pastoral visitors see hundreds of patients each year, bringing a caring concern and the love of God to everyone.

Hospital ministry is a ministry of caring, compassion and the love of Christ.

On-call chaplains are available for families and individuals in crisis, whether it is a patient being fearful about their condition, or simply needing some reassurance and comfort. The chaplains are also there to support families when their loved ones are dying or have died, giving support and comfort to the families and the patient when needed. It is indeed a privilege to be a chaplain is such a situation, people relying on you for comfort and strength in their time of need and praying for them and their loved ones.

Being a chaplain or lay pastoral visitor is a rewarding ministry. It is the fulfillment of the commandment given to us by Jesus himself, to love thy neighbour as thy self. In the words of the Epistle of James chapter 5; “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with the oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up.”

Hospital ministry is a ministry of caring, compassion and the love of Christ.