9 a.m. Sunday School and Youth Program
When arriving at church, parents may take their children to the Nursery/Sunday School space. Younger children remain in the Nursery with their parents, who may listen and watch the service through the glass. Children age 6 and older will go to the Upper Hall and all may go for communion at about 9:35 am. To receive resources for Sunday’s Children’s Time, please contact our Coordinator Ibukun Ogunfuwa at hibeekay.ca@gmail.com.
Score, our Sunday program for Youth in Grade 7 and up, takes place during the 9 am service. We will begin in the sanctuary and then go to class after the opening song. The class is held in the Board Room in the Office.

Christmas Pageant
Each December the children of our parish re-enact the Christmas Story, complete with bathrobe shepherds, lopsided angel halos, a usually shy Mary and Joseph, a plastic baby Jesus, and more than a few rambunctious sheep. It’s chaotic and wonderful. And while the kids change from year to year, the story of the birth of Jesus, Saviour of the World, remains wondrous, mysterious, and the hope of the world.