Christmas Day Dinner
You are invited to a traditional turkey dinner on Christmas Day!! Wednesday December 25th
Please join us for:
- Carol singing at 12:30pm
- Turkey dinner is served from 1pm to 2pm
- Rides to and from dinner can be arranged
Please RSVP by Monday, December 16th to add your name to the guest list!
Sunday, December 15th, 10am, (one service) presentation by Peace & Truth
Peace and Truth, our Drama Team, will present the Gospel of Luke 3:7-18, written and directed by Carlynn Reed. Please join us, as we all worship together at one service.
Special Advent/Christmas Service
Sunday, December 8th @ 4pm, join us for a Special Advent/Christmas Service led by our Youth Band, “Fortune and the Dreamers”
Live Nativity, November 30th, 1pm
We are happy to announce that we will present another Live Nativity for the upcoming Christmas season. As usual, it will be a fun experience for all ages highlighted by actual donkeys, sheep, and goats.
Advent Bible Study
Rev’d Catherine’s Advent Bible study begins on Tuesday, November 26, 1 pm in the Lounge. Once again, we will be looking at the four readings from the Revised Common Lectionary for the following Sunday of Advent.
Poinsettia Sales
Order your Poinsettia on Sundays at Coffee hour from October 6th until November 3rd.
Please see Andrew McCallum. If you have questions, please send an email to
Kris Mess Play, written by Michael Khashmanian
Can we really lose Christmas?
Christ Memorial Church and St. Mark’s United Church have teamed up to bring you the funniest Christmas play this season!
Christ Church (Oshawa) November 15th at 7:30 pm & 16th at 2:00 pm
Summer Sunday Services:
From Sunday, June 30th to Sunday, September 1st we will have one service on Sundays. Please join us as we will all worship together at one 10am service with a blend of worship styles and music!
Grief Matters Workshop
October 19th, 9:30am to 4pm
Pastor Kit and Pamela West, our Parish Nurse will lead the group through an exploration of death and Dying. Both spiritual and pragmatic information will be covered with opportunities to share personal experiences.
Youth Group
Friday May 10th, 6-8 pm, at the Church We are going bowling!!!
Contact Sarah, our Youth Coordinator if you plan to go: hutcheon.sarah@gmail.comor call/ text at 416-763-2363